LucasArts recrute pour un FPS

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Job Title Level Designer (First Person Shooter Title) Company LucasArts

Location Letterman Digital Arts Center

State California

City San Francisco

Benefited/Non-Benefited Benefited

Salary/Hourly Salary

Job Description

  • The Level Designer collaborates with the Project Lead and design team to develop core concepts, game systems, and game content.
  • Contribute substantially and decisively to the evolution of the game design from initial documentation through testing.
  • Conceptualize, create and maintain detailed game design documentation throughout the project cycle.
  • Aggressively prototype and iterate on core game mechanics.
  • Evolve ideas in conjunction with a team, explain those concepts in complete detail, and ensure that the design vision adapts to and survives the development process.
  • Create and implement superior game-play levels, encounters and experiences.
  • Make and communicate practical design compromises to ensure that the project is viable and successful as a retail product.
  • Develop and implement positive changes to the game based on feedback from QA, Consumer Insights, senior staff members, and others. Balance and adjust game-play experiences to ensure the product's critical and commercial success.
  • Provide timely updates and documented closes to the bug database. Actively resolve priority bugs and implement tuning and polish.
  • Exercise initiative and excellent judgment.
  • Remain current on industry trends and techniques in game design.
  • Demonstrate commitment to creative collaboration in a time-sensitive environment.
  • Conduct research on concepts as necessary.


  • Passion for interactive computer/video games. Demonstrable success in creating compelling (fun, commercially viable, and critically-acclaimed) game-play, scenarios, activities, and encounters.
  • Excellent creativity and demonstrated ability to generate innovative concepts, mechanics, and ideas.
  • An understanding of major elements of game design including, story, dialog, interface, character interaction, mission /environment design, look and feel, AI, combat, strategy game-flow, balance and difficulty.
  • Ability to productively discuss, make decisions, and communicate ideas in a wide variety of aesthetic areas (art, sound, voice, story, gameplay etc.).
  • Related technical skills, such as some background in use of game editors, scripting/programming and/or 3D tools.
  • Excellent creative writing ability.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Bachelors degree in related field or equivalent training preferred.
  • One title and three years professional experience building game content and/or systems. Previous experience as Level Designer or Designer preferred.
  • Experience with first-person shooters is a plus

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Ce qui aurait été bien sur ce sujet, c'est que tu expliques un peu car tout le monde ne comprend pas l'anglais.

Se faire comprendre et être compris.

Pense y à l'avenir. ;)

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j'ai niveau traitement de texte, je postule ?

sinon toujours déçu des jeux Lucas art, ya de l'idée mais c'est sans ame ou bien pas mon kiff

un petit bf3 en mod stars war.. (avec les véhicules terrestres ou aériens des 3 premiers volets, je dis pas non

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un petit bf3 en mod stars war.. (avec les véhicules terrestres ou aériens des 3 premiers volets, je dis pas non

C'est dommage qu'ils aient annulé Battlefront 3. Il avait l'air bien prometteur avec la possibilité de passer de l'espace à la terre ferme sans chargement.

Mais c'est vrai que LucasArts n'a jamais vraiment retrouvé sa gloire d'antan.

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