
BC2cc disponible en version BETA 0.8

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Ici pour le télécharger : http://www.bc2cc.com.../bc2cc_v080.zip

PS :

J'ai interrogé BFBC2admin rcon, et ils m'ont répondu :

"The tool hasn't been released yet due to some technical difficulties."

Donc celui-ci fera l'affaire en attendant (s'il fonctionne..)

BC2CC Admin tool features:

Multiple server support:



working but not split by team (information isn't returned in R1)


only used to set a game password right now

Map list:

working, next map is still wonky in R1, occasionally works, other times it doesn't it also loads a random map in the maplist instead of the nextmap. (+ the list currently doesn't update when switching gamemodes, that's our tool, patch for that tomorrow)

Reserved slots:

fully working


Working, but gets cleared after a restart, haven't tested with R3 yet. Removing individual bans doesn't work in R1. Should work in R3. To remove a ban now you'll need to clear the entire banlist.

Ingame commands:

Fully working, you can whitelist players to use specific ingame commands. (@kick, @ban, @unban (doesn't work at the moment), @restart map, @nextmap (wonky doesn't always work))


Il permet d'attribuer de définir un par un les droits octroyés à certains joueurs de la team. wink.gif


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Je viens de test, c'est pas mal, moins compliqué et plus beau que BC2 RCON, malgré tout, on ne peut pas proposer une map en RUSH et ensuite une map en CONQUEST, pour l'instant c'est apparemment impossible, si quelqu'un a une astuce ou la trouve.

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